Indian Canyon Drive Bridge Project (CVAG)

Coachella Valley Association of Governments (CVAG) in July 2023 applied for Local Transportation Climate Adaptation Program (LTCAP) funding.

New grant program administered by the California Transportation Commission (CTC)

Addressing Climate Change, Emergencies and Sandstorms (ACCESS) Indian Canyon Drive project seeks $50 million.

ACCESS will provide:

  • Two bridges at low-water crossings on Indian Canyon Drive.
  • Two miles of a solar shaded bike path, that connects Desert Hot Springs to CV Link.
  • A wildlife undercrossing protecting the ecosystem for endangered and protected species in alignment with the Coachella Valley Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan.
  • Two miles of sand fencing up to Amtrak’s Palm Springs Station
  • The total project cost is $74.9 million.
  • Considerably lower than the $250 million original estimates to build a bridge for the entire length of Indian Canyon Drive.
  • CTC to announce grant awards in December.

City and CVAG have met with regional officials, Governor Newsom, Congressman Calvert and are hopeful a $50 million grant will finally address the decades commuter headache.

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