ZONE Palm Springs

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Planning for our Future

The City of Palm Springs is updating its Zoning Code to better reflect today’s needs and accommodate future growth. This is the City’s first comprehensive update to the Zoning Code since 1988 and will incorporate the 2023 Limited General Plan Update and the 2021-2029 Housing Element (currently underway).

The Zoning Code is Palm Springs' rules for how land can be used. It determines what types of activities and buildings are allowed in different areas--such as residential, commercial, or industrial uses--and manages development cohesively. The Zoning Code strives to find the best ways to foster a compatible pattern of land uses and development that furthers the City’s vision and goals. This modernization of the Zoning Code is also intended to make it more flexible, user-friendly, and responsive to the needs of the diverse communities that make Palm Springs Like No Place Else!

Click here to learn more with our Zoning 101 flyer.

Project GoalS

How You Can Help

The motto of the City of Palm Springs is “The People are the City”, and we are committed to involving all residents and citizens in the decisions that build the community. Public participation in the Zoning Code update process is very important and there will be many opportunities to get involved and provide meaningful input. Please sign-up and follow this page for updates and engagement opportunities. The project timeline, resources, and our contact information are available below.

Latest News

Community Survey

Share with us your priorities in modernizing the zoning code! Click here in English and Spanish to take our survey!

Project Timeline

The Zoning Code Update launched in April 2024 and is expected to be adopted by March 2026. Click here to view an enlarged version of the below timeline.

Connect with us!

Planning Department Phone: (760) 323-8245


Planning for our Future

The City of Palm Springs is updating its Zoning Code to better reflect today’s needs and accommodate future growth. This is the City’s first comprehensive update to the Zoning Code since 1988 and will incorporate the 2023 Limited General Plan Update and the 2021-2029 Housing Element (currently underway).

The Zoning Code is Palm Springs' rules for how land can be used. It determines what types of activities and buildings are allowed in different areas--such as residential, commercial, or industrial uses--and manages development cohesively. The Zoning Code strives to find the best ways to foster a compatible pattern of land uses and development that furthers the City’s vision and goals. This modernization of the Zoning Code is also intended to make it more flexible, user-friendly, and responsive to the needs of the diverse communities that make Palm Springs Like No Place Else!

Click here to learn more with our Zoning 101 flyer.

Project GoalS

How You Can Help

The motto of the City of Palm Springs is “The People are the City”, and we are committed to involving all residents and citizens in the decisions that build the community. Public participation in the Zoning Code update process is very important and there will be many opportunities to get involved and provide meaningful input. Please sign-up and follow this page for updates and engagement opportunities. The project timeline, resources, and our contact information are available below.

Latest News

Community Survey

Share with us your priorities in modernizing the zoning code! Click here in English and Spanish to take our survey!

Project Timeline

The Zoning Code Update launched in April 2024 and is expected to be adopted by March 2026. Click here to view an enlarged version of the below timeline.

Connect with us!

Planning Department Phone: (760) 323-8245


Page last updated: 13 Aug 2024, 03:08 PM